Sports Planning Consultants (SPC) is a specialist sport and leisure planning consultancy. Directors Neil Allen and Carolyn Wilkinson previously spent 4 years working for Tetra Tech Planning, following Tetra Tech’s strategic acquisition of Neil Allen Associates (naa) in May 2018.
Specialist sports consultancy, naa was formed in March 2007 and worked with Sport England, governing bodies of sport, public and private sector partners to deliver strategic planning solutions for sport.
naa was the only sports consultancy to have been accepted by Sport England on its former Strategic Planning Framework across all 4 sports lots, reflecting the status and skills of individual team members. The small team delivered numerous Sports Needs Assessments, Playing Pitch and mitigation strategies, working with Sport England, Local Planning Authorities and National Governing Bodies.
On moving to Tetra Tech, the former naa team was accepted on the Sport England Active Environment Framework for Needs Assessments and Town Planning. We continue to support it as a sub-consultant on the Sport England Framework.
Now independent again, we’re able to bring specialist sports planning advice and wider experience from a multi-disciplinary planning environment to our new clients.

Neil Allen
Neil Allen specialises in strategic planning, management and sports development for sport and leisure. He has over 30 years' experience in the industry, including with Sport England, the Audit Commission and 15 years of Director-level management consultancy with 2 of the leading industry practices before setting up naa in 2007, then joining Tetra Tech in 2018.
Neil supported Sport England in the development of the new Playing Pitch Methodology (PPS) and replacement Companion Guide, Assessing Needs and Opportunities (ANOG) for Sport, in line with the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF).
He has since managed and directed numerous assessments of indoor facilities and Playing Pitch Strategies and now works on needs assessment work across a range of sports and school developments.
Much of Neil’s current work is in the application of PPS and ANOG work to Sport England planning policies, working with developers and Sport England to support mitigation strategies.

Carolyn Wilkinson
Carolyn Wilkinson is an experienced consultant with over 20 years of experience in strategic planning for sport and leisure. Carolyn was previously Head of the Sport and Leisure Planning Division at PMP Consultancy, a team which specialised in strategic planning, and focused on the production of Playing Pitch Strategies, Needs Assessments, Open Space and Sport and Recreation Strategies.
Carolyn has produced over 50 playing pitch strategies. Carolyn was on the steering group for the preparation of the new guidance on Playing Pitch Assessments and therefore has direct experience in the development of these assessments and specifically the PPS methodology.
Carolyn is a leading expert in PPS and its application.
National Agencies – Sport England, Homes England, Department for Education, Highways Agency
National Governing Bodies of Sport (NGBs)
Local Authorities
Private Developers
House Builders
Sports Clubs
Education Sector
Consultants Teams