With the summer now a distant memory SPC can reflect on the completion of a successful 2-years of delivering for clients across the sector.
Various highlights have seen Playing Pitch Strategies (PPS) delivered for South Tyneside Council and the newly formed Westmorland and Furness Council, whose PPS is nearly over the line. The PPS will help to support healthy and active lifestyles and the strategic development of sport and recreation across the newly formed local authority.
Further strategic work has seen the delivery of strategic sport and leisure needs assessments, defining sports and healthy living infrastructure requirements on major strategic housing sites; including projects for the Handforth Garden Village in Cheshire, Brookfield Garden Village in Broxbourne, RAF Halton in Aylesbury Vale, North Aschurch Garden Village in Tewksbury and a major strategic site in Sussex on behalf of Homes England.
On the development side further success was achieved in the shape of Mellands Playing Fields, where SPC helped to define a mitigation strategy, which secured significant investment into local sport, health and recreation provision for Greater Manchester Youth Federation and the young people of Gorton.
