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Darlington Borough Council

SPC worked with Darlington Borough Council to produce a joint playing pitch and indoor and outdoor sports facility strategy. The strategy was required to support sport development activities, as well as to inform requirements for future provision in the context of the housing development taking place across the borough. The strategy is a key component of the evidence base for the emerging Darlington Local Plan and the Making Places and Accommodating Growth DPD.

The evidence base and strategy included a full supply and demand assessment as well as full modelling using Sport England ANOG and PPS guidance. Full engagement was undertaken with National Governing Bodies (NGBs) and Sport England and the strategy is being used to secure new facilities for the area, through specific funding applications as well as 106 contributions from new developments. The new 3G pitch opened at Eastbourne Sports Complex in Darlington was a direct result of the PPS, which brough funding support from the Football Foundation.

The evidence base works has recently been updated. This work has incorporated new Facilities Planning Model (FPM) baseline work, which has been developed to provide an up to date evidence base for the Local Plan. Individual needs assessments have also been undertaken looking at specific issues, for example the future of athletics across the borough in the context of the Eastbourne Stadium.

‘Thanks Neil and Carolyn. Am really pleased with the end result here – I feel that engagement from the key NGB’s has been strong throughout the process and we have a document that reflects the priorities of our stakeholders. We will now concentrate on the implementation phase with plenty of grounds for optimism across a series of developments, despite the economic climate.......can I thank you for your work here and very client centred approach – look forward to working with you both again at some point in the future.’

Mike Crawshaw, Head of Leisure and Culture, Darlington Borough Council


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