SPC completed an indoor facility strategy for Warwick District Council, which was subsequently updated due to significant housing growth. The update focussed on greater growth over and above that committed in the Local Plan, resulting from the Coventry overspill. This incorporated Facility Planning Model (FPM) national and local runs. The strategy was developed following full engagement and was adopted by the Council.
The Strategy recommended a redevelopment package across the Council’s facilities. The ensuing £14.5m investment package benefitted from a £2m grant from Sport England as a direct result of the robust strategy work prepared by SPC. SPC have subsequently prepared individual sport specific needs assessments for bowls and athletics using the ANOG framework of quantity, quality, access and availability to assess the long-term needs for athletics.
‘the SPC team were able to bring a significant degree of experience and understanding of the sports and leisure sector, but also how any emerging strategy needs sit within the context of planning procedures………throughout the project SPC maintained a professional approach with the project team, but also with stakeholders and other consultees.’
Rose Winship, Head of Cultural Services, Warwick District Council
